9 Astronauts

iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Web Application Development by Mike Demers
iOS Apps
Icon lorem keysum

Lorem Keysum
The Lorem Ipsum keyboard for iOS. Save time when developing apps or mobile sites.

Icon news cam

News Cam
Create fun video clips that look like professional news stories.

Icon photo clock

Photo Clock
Calculate the time elapsed between two photos.

Icon photo lights

Photo Lights
Easily add strings of blinking holiday lights to your photos and quickly share them with friends and family.

Older Projects

Attack Ad Generator
Create your own slanderous political attack ads. Share them with friends. Embed them on your site.

Billie Tweets
A Twitter tribute to Michael Jackson and his hit song "Billie Jean"

Blame Drew's Cancer
Raise money for charity by blaming Drew's cancer for anything and everything you want.

Lyric Rat
Naming that Tune in 140 characters or less... Got some lyrics stuck in your head but can't remember the song? Ask the Lyric Rat.

Firefox (and Flock) extension that puts Twitter in your sidebar.

Tweet Bricks
Play the age-old game of Tweet stacking… Tweet Bricks turns Twitter Tweets into bricks that you must stack as they fall down the screen.

Channel-surf the latest YouTube videos posted to Twitter.