9 Astronauts

iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Web Application Development by Mike Demers

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Bar Fly

A flyweight bar chart plug-in for jQuery

A flyweight bar chart plug-in for jQuery. Bar Fly supports multiple data sets and can animate the transition between sets.

Bar Fly is only 3 KB when minified. It draws charts using only CSS so it can be used in browsers without Flash or Canvas support.

Bar Fly's only requirement is jQuery, v1.3 or newer. The jQuery easing plug-in can be used for smoother animation:

Bar Fly is intentionally minimal and won't be appropriate for everyone. For a more complete graphing solution, check out flot or jqPlot:


Include the Bar Fly plug-in after jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.barfly-1.0.min.js"></script>

Select an element and create a chart:

$('#foo').barfly({ data: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] });

There are a variety of configuration options available:

data – {Array, Object}
One or more lists of data to chart. If an Array is provided, its value will be used and the chart will be created in "single set" mode. If an Object is provided, it should contain a single level of key - Array mappings. The keys will be used as aliases for the Arrays of data.
active – {String}
(Optional) If multiple data sets are being used, this defines which one will be active initially.
range – {Array, Object}
(Optional) Sets the bounds of the chart. It can be specified as an Array of minimum and maximum values ([0, 230]) or an Object with "max" and "min" keys ({min: 0, max: 230}). If an Object is used, the "min" key is optional and if omitted will be set to 0.
barSpacing – {Integer}
(Optional) Defines the amount of spacing added to each side of the bars in the chart (in pixels). So a chart with a barSpacing of 2 would have 4 pixels in between any 2 adjacent bars.
chartStyle – {Object}
(Optional) CSS styles that will be applied to the chart element. These styles will be the last ones applied to the chart, giving them the highest precedence. CSS rules can be specified in camel case or hyphenated.
barStyle – {Object}
(Optional) CSS styles that will be applied to the bar elements. These styles take precedence over the defaults but can be overridden by the data styles. CSS rules can be specified in camel case or hyphenated.
dataStyle – {Object}
(Optional) CSS styles that will be applied to the bar elements for a data set. If the chart is using multiple data sets, this will be an Object with an entry for each data set to be customized with the data set id as the key and an Object containing the CSS rules as the value. If the chart is using a single data set, this parameter should just be an Object containing the CSS rules. These styles will be the last ones applied to the bars, giving them the highest precedence. CSS rules can be specified in camel case or hyphenated.
animation – {Object, false}
(Optional) Defines the animation used to transition between data sets. Example: {duration: 800, easing: "linear"} If set to false, no animation will be used for the chart.

When there are multiple charts on a page, some common settings can be specifed through $.barflyDefaults:

chartWidth – {Integer}
When the chart is created, Bar Fly will try to retain the dimensions of its DOM element. However, if that DOM element has a 0 width, this setting will be used. Essentially, it functions as a *min-width*. It should be an Integer and will define the width in pixels. This is a safety valve and shouldn't really be used for chart customization. For chart styling, use the chartStyle parameter in the Bar Fly defaults or in the chart's configuration.
chartHeight – {Integer}
When the chart is created, Bar Fly will try to retain the dimensions of its DOM element. However, if that DOM element has a 0 height, this setting will be used. Essentially, it functions as a *min-height*. It should be an Integer and will define the height in pixels. This is a safety valve and shouldn't really be used for chart customization. For chart styling, use the chartStyle parameter in the defaults or in the chart's configuration.
chartStyle – {Object}
CSS styles that will be applied to every chart element. These styles will be the first ones applied to the chart, giving them a precedence lower than the chartStyle configuration parameter but higher than any styles from the HTML page or included stylesheets. CSS rules can be specified in camel case or hyphenated.
barStyle – {Object}
CSS styles that will be applied to all bar elements in all charts. These styles will be the first ones applied to the bars, giving them a precedence lower than the barStyle configuration parameter but higher than any styles from the HTML page or included stylesheets. CSS rules can be specified in camel case or hyphenated.
animation – {Object, false}
Default animation configuration for all charts. Will be overridden by the animation configuration parameter. If set to false, all animations will be disabled. Otherwise, should be set to an Object defining the duration and easing values. Example: {duration: 800, easing: "linear"}

Once a Bar Fly chart has been created, it can be controlled or queried through its public methods:

activate(name) – name: {String}; returns: {void}
Activates the data set identified by name.
draw() – returns: {void}
Force a redraw of the chart.
listData() – returns: {Array}
Returns a list of data set names

Before the public methods of a chart can be called, the chart object must be retrieved. Accessing the Bar Fly chart instance can be accomplished in two ways:

Bar Fly stores the chart instance as barfly in the element's data storage.
$.barfly('#foo') – {Integer}
Bar Fly provides a global helper that makes it easier to access the chart instance.

A Bar Fly chart will trigger events at various points in its lifecycle. See the examples for

barfly.activate – event: {Event}, name: {String}
Triggered when a data set is activated. Listener will receive 2 parameters: the Event and the name of the currently active data set.
barfly.added – event: {Event}, name: {String}
Triggered when a data set is added. Listener will receive 2 parameters: the Event and the name of the newly added data set.
barfly.drawn – event: {Event}, name: {String}, isAnimated: {Boolean}
Triggered whenever the chart is drawn. Listener will receive 3 parameters: the Event, the name of the data set that was drawn, and a Boolean flag indicating whether or not the drawing was animated.


Check out the Bar Fly for an introduction to jQuery plug-in development as well as an examination of the Bar Fly code.


Note: this tutorial was published in 2009 and may not be fully applicable in a modern environment. Your mileage may vary. Make of it what you will.